Partholon’s Exile and Journey to Ireland

Partholon, a giant of a man, lived in Greece but was cursed after committing the grave sin of killing a family member during a war of succession. The curse ensured that nothing he attempted would ever succeed. Seeking to outrun this curse, Partholon gathered his wife, three sons, their families, and retainers and set sail for Ireland.

When they arrived, they found Ireland a wild and desolate place with only one fertile plain, located where Dublin stands today. Over time, Partholon’s people cultivated the land, creating three additional fertile plains in other parts of the island, setting up agriculture and industry, and exploring Ireland’s length and breadth.

The Encounter with the Fomorians

While exploring Donegal, Partholon’s people encountered the Fomorians, a fearsome race of sea pirates with powerful magic, who lived on Tory Island. Conflict arose, as the two groups could not coexist peacefully.

The battle between the Partholonians and the Fomorians was magical rather than physical. The warriors accessed the Otherworld’s power by adopting the “stance of power,” standing on one leg, with one arm behind their back and one eye closed. In the end, Partholon’s people triumphed, and as a sign of their acceptance by the land, four great lakes burst forth across Ireland.

Fintan Mac Bóchra’s Counsel

During this time, Fintan Mac Bóchra, the immortal shapeshifter, appeared and became an advisor to Partholon’s people. With his vast knowledge, gained from living as a man, a salmon, and a hawk, Fintan guided them on how to survive and thrive in Ireland.

Tragedy in Partholon’s Court

One day, while Partholon was away hunting, his wife and a servant shared a moment of betrayal—they slept together and drank from Partholon’s cup. Upon returning, Partholon drank from the same cup and immediately tasted their infidelity. In a fit of rage, he killed the servant, marking the first instance of adultery, jealousy, and murder in Ireland.

Partholon’s wife, unfazed by his anger, simply responded with wisdom: “Honey with a woman, milk with a cat, food with a host, meat with a boy, one with one earns great risk.” Remarkably, they continued to live together peacefully for another 30 years.

The Plague and the Curse Fulfilled

After many years of prosperity, Partholon died, and his people flourished, reaching a population of 9,000. However, the curse on Partholon finally took its toll. In a single week, a devastating plague swept through Ireland, wiping out all of Partholon’s people.

Fintan’s Survival

Only Fintan Mac Bóchra survived, thanks to his magical ability to transform into animals. He returned to the wild, awaiting the arrival of the next settlers in Ireland.

Legacy of Partholon

Partholon’s story is a tale of resilience, betrayal, and the inescapable nature of curses. His people’s efforts to tame Ireland and their ultimate destruction mark the beginning of the island’s mythological history.
