Category: Global Myths

Chapter 3 An Invocation in the Qu’iche Language and Translation


This is my friend, Kike, who I hope will be joining us on the Bard one of these days…..right now he’s at Guadalajara, speaking about origin languages, so I said, maybe we can have him in one day. But he’s such an enthusiastic and wonderful person, and he speaks English. At the beginning of this recording he speaks a little piece in Spanish which is his own invocation.

Then I translated it and then I’ll go on to read the rest of what he was reading in Qu’iche is the full text, a couple of pages. Then what I’m going to read is a slightly more compact version which I’ve been working on myself, but it still has all the I’ve tried to preserve all the literary wealth of the original text. So what he says is.


Grant us leave, o grandmothers and grandfathers who left for us the Popol Vuj book to create Memory and to remember where we came. From, where lie our origins. Grant us leave o hallow day, o energetic gifted to us by our grandmothers and ancestors. O energy given us by the air flowing through our vocal cords. We come here then to remember through reading of the book by Dr. Luis Enrique Sam Colop to evoke our memory, to remember.

Chapter 2 The European Arrival – The Spanish Colonisation


When Now I want to tell you how the natural course of MesoAmerican history ground to a sudden and terrible halt, broken and forever transformed into one of the great shames of humanity. When the first Europeans (not counting the Vikings, some five centuries before) made land on a small island in the Caribbean, the resident Mesoamerican cultures were ascending in curves of splendor.  All of them, both the islanders and those on the mainland and isthmus that are the Caribbean basin I spoke of, before… that keeps the ocean current  warm from the African desert, from dissolving out into the Pacific Ocean… all these cultures were thriving and evolving.  There were different forms of social organization, from wide-flung empires to coexisting city-states, to tribes located on ancestral territories. 

They were nations of farmers and weavers and potters, artists and star-gazers and mathematicians, merchants and travelers and scribes; there were kings and queens and priests and, yes, warriors.  They had developed corn, or maize, the base of their food; chocolate, avocados, tomatoes, many types of squash, beans, peppers of varying firepower, amaranth, prickly pear, many different tree-fruits, some sweet and some sharp…

They worshipped the heavenly bodies and the forces of nature, considered themselves children of their mother the earth, and kept a strict and exact count of time, precise calendars with deep insight into the meanings of days.   

There have been some interested parties, way back when and still not long ago, who claimed the societies here had fallen into decadence.  This is absolutely false and has long been discarded from serious research.  Other claims included that the populace were not actually people, at least until they had been baptized; or that the “true” Mayas had disappeared mysteriously, having built and then abandoned their great stone cities in the jungles.  One of the more colorful assertions was that they were actually extraterrestrial in origin, which goes hand in hand with sureties that they were the ancient lost tribes of biblical mention, or lost Greeks, or lost Phoenicians, or anything rather than a legitimate people with history, identities and developing processes of their own.  Because how does one invade and murder and oppress a legitimate people, how can one seize their land and enslave them and erase their beliefs?

So death and destruction came to this great continent aboard three little ships, followed later by thousands more; and the amount of wealth pillaged and taken back to Europe is so vast that in modern financial terms there is not enough money circulating in the world to pay it back in fair restitution, with interests set at normal present figures.

But I digress.  The point is that the natural evolution of the world view, and the myths, of most Mesoamerican cultures vanished into the fires of the Christian conversion.  A very few literary works survived, two of them in my own Guatemala: one is a dance-drama commemorating a victorious military outcome and the other is our national book, although it belongs more precisely to the Maya-K’iche’ nation.

This wonderful work is called Popol Wuj, freely translatable as Book of the Council, and is composed of the origin myths, on one hand, and then the history/legend which tells of the coming of the K’iche’ people.  I would like to share with you the stories of how the world began and of all that happened before the creation of the people of corn.  

Even after five hundred years, we of mixed blood and heritage still cannot but feel like grateful guests, at best, because in spite of all the fire and sorrow, this land still belongs in trust to a living people. 

The lovely islands of the Caribbean suffered the impact of the European arrival, its beautiful people hunted to extinction.  Then the killers moved on to the mainland: until nothing was left of its kingdoms and their cities; only the land, and some slaves to work it.  Few people survived, they embraced the Christian faith in name and learned enough of the language to understand the orders given; but in the bare refuge of their homes, they kept the language alive and perhaps some memory of ancient times and gods and heroes.



Chapter 11 Revenge


The winds of change prevailed. The City of Worms attended to the departure of the societies cream of the crop. The astonishing juggernaut of 1000 warriors was quite a sight. That Burgundians moved towards east. The days went by and after weeks on their way the landscape changed. It got wilder every day, and the people of the Rhine felt amazement by the foreign country. Finally, they reached the Castle of Count Rudiger the suitor of Atilla. The guests enjoyed heartfelt hospitality and had a rest for several days. They recovered from the hot traveling in and found relief in Hot Springs and simple pleasures of life.

And as life goes, Giselher here, fell in love with Ruddigers beautiful daughter, Dietlind. Before departure, he asked Rudiger for the hand of his daughter. And Rudiger was delighted and agreed. It seemed to be another perfect match. And joy filled the hearts of all. The dark times seemed to melt away. Rudiger went ahead to guide his guests to Atilla’s place. They had to travel for some more weeks and one bright afternoon, a steep mountain appeared.

The summit was crowned by huge castle. Numerous towers were rising into the four winds bar. Mighty walls protected the magnificent stronghold and the whole architecture caught the Burgundians by surprise. Maybe it was the foreign construction of the keep? Or was it just a trick of the light. For some, the impressive Castle seemed to transform to a giant skull. Like some magical vision. Whatever it was, this apparition was blown away by Atilla’s warmth and the enthisastic reception.

Kriemhild’s welcome to the guests was another story. She embraced just Gernod and Giselher. To the rest she kept distance, and especially Hagen received a cold look. At the evening, the host offered all he had to give a whole wealth of the powerful kingdom produced the most overwhelming festivity you can think of the splendor of. A realm that embraced east and west gave rise to extra ordinary enchantment.

A unique mixture of gorgeous offerings of hospitality, illuminated by all the power and the glory of Attila and Kriemhild. All guests were sitting at long tables in the enormous Hall. They couldn’t believe their eyes and ears. The heart of the court was amazing as could be. Rich tapestries showed fabulous animals and dragons. It seemed they were most alive, caused by a mind blowing spell. tricks and stunts were performed. And the Sabre dance was the peak of all entertainment. The audience was deeply impressed.

The evening mood was rising high and everyone was in good spirits. The rich taste of spicy wine and the numbing effects of incense took control of the mind. Finally, it was time to go to sleep. The novel guests were taken to their chambers. Nearly all fell in a deep spellcasting sleep. Only Haagen and Volker the Bard stayed awake. They guarded the hypnosis of their kinfolk. The night was silent and calm. The light of the full moon bathed the night in a cloak of silver. A light wind was blowing, and it’s soft touch felt like satin on skin.

Away from the romantic mood, Hagen and Volker didn’t take it for real. There was some real menace in the air and both kept their eyes open until dawn. Next day, celebrations continued, and Attila did the best to comfort his guests. He had no clue about the deadly intentions of his wife. To his very surprise, everyone insisted to keep the arms and armours when he confronted them, they responded. ”It’s just the way of us”.  Just custom of a warrior’s menace.

The king was wondering about what he exactly he accepted. When the whole party went to the hall to have another sumptuous dinner, Atilla played an additional card of his friendly Game of Thrones. He called for his son, Ortleib. And when the boy showed up, Attila asked how I can, if he would have the kindness to take the child with him as a foster son. A further proof of his good intentions to have a special relationship to the kingdom of Burgund. This most friendly gesture was deeply heartfelt, and move the whole older audience, except one person, Hagen.

Hagen proved to be a character of the strangest his art is harsh answer, ruined it all. He said. Sure, I’ll take the boy with me. But I suppose he’s too much of a weakling. Our glorious court of noble warriors is no place for a coward of the East. All of a sudden, a silence fell, like some black curtain on a vicious stage play. Attila’s face went pale at first, followed by a cloud that darkened his profile. The immediate transformation that frees up the joy in every heart, pure hostility filled the place, hatred, and Ill Will but creeping in like snakes and reptiles of evil.

It felt like beasts of prey were prowling around and got ready for attack. Some daggers were secretly drawn, and the tension was rising. But for this time, madness was prevented. You have to know King Attila was a man of real power. He was the master of his very own emotions. The stormy mood did calm down one last time. But away from this, the atmosphere was poisoned.

After a depressing meal, everybody went for a night without sleep. In the first light of a new day, everyone of rank and named assembled in the hall. The air was thick, and something was coming through. There were King Atilla and Queen Kriemhild with their son Ortleib. Besides them stood the closest vessels Count Rudiger and King Dietrich von Berne who wasin  the company of Hildebrand his first night. On the other side, gathered the tribe of the Burgundians, King Gunther and his two brothers. Hagen von Trone with Volker the Bard in the company of Dankwort, a famous warrior. They were surrounded by a bunch of famous knights from all Burgund, a warrior elite of no equal.

The gathering of the tribes was quite a sight. But the atmosphere was cold as ice and in this chilly state of pressure, a new arrival appeared on stage. The tide turned forever. The brother of King Atilla entered the hall with some of his warriors. He gave Kriemhild a conspiring look, and without beating around the bush, he rushed to Hagen von Trone and declared war. He shouted to the whole crowd.

That Queen demands revenge on the death of her husband Siegfried, you shall die by our swords. King Attila was taken aback by some eclipse., and at the same moment all hell was breaking loose. A 100 things happened at once. From outside the hall, a voice was crying in desperation. All the warriors of Burgundy have been killed and most cruel assassination left no one alive. King Atilla’s brother drew his sword and pounced on Hagen. But the Dark Knight was faster. He drew Siegfried’s own sword Balmung and choppedthe head of Atilla’s sibling. A fountain of blood was rising from the torso, and a horrible howling filled the air. Swords were drawn and tables were turned. Chairs were thrown and daggers stacked and cut throats.

All at once a merciless onslaught began. Assaults crossed and within seconds, human beings turn to screaming beasts. Steel was singing and cutting through flesh and bones. Hagen did a giant leap and chopped off the head of Ortleib. The child’s head flew like a bowl straight in the hands of Kriemhild.. She stared in the dead eyes of her son and lost control. Through all the madness, the Grim Reaper seem to take over, And mutual annihilation was the game. Dogged and furious, the warriors produced a bloodbath.

The Knights of the hunts rushed in like waves. There were hundreds of them, but they felt like grain under the Reaper. The insanity of the battle was forced by the gods of wrath, and the Crimson flood was flowing down the hall. Hagen seemed to overshadow them all. He hacked and slashed through the enemy rows, hands, limbs arms and legs were cut off and scattered buddies covered the ground.

But still, the tides of madness swell and we’re sliding into hell. The Burgundians were standing back to back and did the ghoulish work of pure war machines. Meanwhile, it was hard to decide who was friend or enemy. The Killing evolved to be a brute force of nature, a massacre of some doomsday clash.

That’s all at once a silence fell and the fighting stopped. The Burgundians stood their ground. Piles of dead bodies with crimson streams covered the wooden floor. The Burgundians were exhausted or they just suffered light wounds. Immediately, they started to throw the dead bodies out of the large windows.

Outside, King Attila and Kriemhild watch the scene with glassy eyes and organized the next assault. Atilla acted like a puppet to a string, but Kriemhild was in too deep. Her eyes were burning when the replenishment arrived. As night was falling, the Huns were back with great strength. A shower of spears was raining down on the defenders.

The attackers had set them on fire. Now the javelins looked like shooting stars, and they raised some kind of wildfire in the hall. Not long and the roof beams were burning. And sure the Burgundians suffered from the blazing inferno and they were tormented by thirst have no limits. But like some miracle, they didn’t die.

The Firestorm couldn’t do no harm to them. Atilla’s warriors were in terror that foreign knights couldn’t be for real. Some told the Burgundians kept themselves alive by drinking the blood of the dead. They must be demons out of some kind of hell. The Warriors and knights refuse to attack again. they turn their backs to the King Abdullah instead turn to his vessels count Rudiger and King Dietrich.

They had tears in their eyes, but they were obedient. With grim faces they gathered their own warriors and got ready to fight. There was no mercy in the bloody game Count Rudiger killed Gernot in a single combat. Gernod’s sword penetrated Rudiger’s body as well. Both fell to the ground and drowned in their own blood. And now, the bells tolled for the Burgundians. They suffered heavy losses.

There was further chopping and rifting in in the heat of battle Dankwort and Volker  the Bard joined in a cruel struggle to death. In this final doomsday scenario, only Gunther and Hagen were alive. Indeed, King Dietrich had them captured by his fighting skills. Both men were exhausted and were bleeding of many wounds. Kriemhild was flashing a bloody smile. She had bitten her lips and turned to Hagen and she asked about the secret place where the treasure was kept. Haagen was laughing with the flavor of insanity.

He said, I will never tell you the secret place as long as anyone of the Burgundians is still alive. The eyes of Kriemhild turned red, and she gave order to bring her the head of King Gunther. A loyal warrior did the bloody work. But when Gunther’s head was presented, Haagen burst out in laughter again, he said, Now, you will never get to know the secret. All the gold is lost for ever. He gave her a triumphant smile. And Kriemhild didn’t hesitate.

She took Siegfried sword Balmung and thrust it deep in Hagen’s belly, a burst of blood came out of his mouth, and The Dark Knight drew his last breath. In the end Hildebrand the first knight of King Dietrich put an end to it. He did what he thought was his duty. He killed Kriemhild with a single blow of his own sword. He wasn’t in rage. He intended to reestablish a strange kind of balance. Some weird equilibrium had to be restored. The tortured Queen sank to the ground. All the pain and hatreds disappeared from her face. She looked like in a deep, soothing piece.

Finally, all the fighting was done. King Dietrich and Atilla we’re standing with frozen ice. The coldness of death was around. How should any human soul live on with a disaster like this? Well, did all this really happen? Was this for real? Or some crazy dream? Has it had to be this way? Well, I’m telling you, if you walk along the banks of the River Rhine and get to ancient places, you might hear some whisper in the trees.


Maybe you will find the answer. They’re still blowing in the wind.

Chapter 10 Vibrations of Doom



When Kriemhild learned what Hagen had done her world was collapsing again. All her attempts and plans seemed to be in vain. She was falling in some state of agony. She felt dragged in some dark deep well. Day by day and night by night she felt like doomed in the face of her enemies. Any change of the game was far out of sight. 

But then came a fateful day and the wheel of fortune was in motion again. In the rising of the sun tables turned and fate turned another page in the book of life. A bunch of horsemen  arrived at the gates of the castle. They were all dressed in strange clothing and black armors. Speaking in foreign tongue they gathered around their leader. The horses and their riders looked tired.Obviously they came a long way.

The guards got to know that the foreign leader was no stranger to the royal family. Count Rüdiger was a relative of the Burgundian tribe. He was now a vassal to the mighty king Attila. Attila was the ruler of the legendary eastern kingdom of the Huns. He was an old friend of Hagen von Tronje and the happy reunion lifted everybody´s spirits. Hospitality deserved another great feast and did fulfill the expectations of their guests.

In the evening started the usual drinking and feasting in good company. As the hours passed Rüdiger offered his order by king Attila. On behalf of his Master, Rüdiger was supposed to be his suitor. It was well known that Kriemhild was a much sought after widow and Attila didn´t want to miss a chance. When Kriemhild met Rüdiger and learned about his task she hesitated at first. After a while of doing some serious thinking she agreed.

This might be her last chance to have her revenge. When she offered her decision to her brothers they felt the weight of the world had been lifted from their shoulders. Could it all come to a happy ending? They  were asking themselves and didn´t listen to some strange noises carried by wind and rain The journey to Hungary where the Kingdom of the Huns was located was prepared within a week. Rüdiger was sending out a messenger to bring the good news to Attila‘s stronghold. Finally Rüdiger´s mission was successful.

To no one´s surprise the wedding of Attila and Kriemhild turned out to be one of the most glorious occasions ever after. From near and far  most noble guests were coming in. Now away from the fact that Attilas warriors were grim and weird Kriemhild was taken by surprise to learn about the Kingdom of the Huns. The court was as splendid and beautiful like her own home.The entertainment was breathtaking and spectacular. Attila´s place
offered a seldom mixture of orient and occident where magic was behind every corner.

She was confident to be able to fulfill all of her plans. Siegfried would be avenged and the order of the universe could be restored. Seven good years passed and with Kriemhild by his side Attila´s kingdom evolved to the axis of the world. Kriemhild even gave birth to a son by the name of Ortleib. Everything was opulent, grand and impressive. How much can someone ask for? Perfect life or not underneath the surface a volcano was boiling. One day Kriemhild offered a desire to her husband. She was eager to invite her family to Hungary. There was a longing in her heart she couldn´t resist. And Attila agreed with a smile on his face. “There is nothing like family business“ he said in a deep soft voice. Kriemhild nodded and gave him a most passionate kiss. A messenger  was sent out to the west. 

When the message arrived at Worms the Royal Castle was filled with excitement.Everybody was expecting a most imposing summit meeting of all times. For the most it was another statement like „Who´s like us, what´s like us“! The Royalties seemed to have left their dark days far behind. But away from the majority the inner circle was worried about the outcome.Especially Hagen wasn´t in need of any crystal ball. He knew what was about to come.  And Gernot and Giselher remained hopeful while Gunther couldn´t make up his mind again.

But whatever was going on in the individual minds the code of honor left no choice. The Burgundians had to accept the invitation. During the next days the royal brothers gathered the whole elite of the nobility. There were Hagen, Dankwart and Volker the Bard and too many others to be named. Soon about 1000 warriors were camping outside the castle.

On some misty morning the Burgundians went on their final journey. Many days they were heading towards East. They followed pathsways through deep woodlands full of wolfs, boars and deer. The wilderness offered a world full of otherworldly creatures and dangerous challenges.One day they were about to cross the river Danube. As the evening was falling Hagen walked away from the numerous tents. The noises of the camp were grewing small and he was surrounded by large trees. They had extraordinary shapes like giants and beasts with wooden tentacles covered by moss.
In the dusk hundreds and thousands of dragonflies and fireflies raved around. A mystical twilight soaked up the gloom.

And Hagen felt he crossed some invisible border. He reached a quiet place and between the bushes an enchanting pond appeared. Suddenly he heard shrieking noises. As he looked he couldn´t believe his eyes. He saw three swan women bathing in the misty waters. They were laughing and cheating each other. The three of them were of strange beauty. The first had a mane in the color of golden sunlight. The second had red hair like the fur of a fox and the third one had hair as black as midnight. They had left their swan garments at the brink of the water.

Hagen took the garments in knowledge about the power of their clothing. Without their robes they were helpless and defenseless. Hagen was absolutely aware about their magical powers of divination. He turned to them and as they  noticed his presence they shouted and cursed him. They demanded their garments and gave him freezing looks.Hagen answered with a sardonic smile and said:  “I`ll return the robes to you. But first you will tell me something about our journey to king Attila. Will the traveling end in good fortune?“ The three of them spoke with one chilling noise and  ghostly echoes. “There will be a safe journey and a lucky return to the royal castle of Worms“.

Hagen felt a strange presence in the air and the mist on the pond was getting thicker. He gave them their garments back and turned to walk away. But just as the swan women got their robes back they started to burst out in laughing. They shouted with a hissing voice:“ The lucky return belongs for just one man. It will be the chaplain. A dark fate is waiting for all the rest of you. The Burgundians will perish and no one will mourn about you.

The voice was ringing out through the wood but as Hagen went after them they disappeared right before his eyes. There was just the fog. As Hagen returned to the camp he immediately went after the chaplain. Hagen drew his sword and pounced on the man of the church. But he was swift and cunning like a fox. He escaped through the trees and vanished in the dark of the night. Hagen had failed and he become aware of the truth in the telling of the swan women. All of a sudden he had a strange vision. The whole camp was covered by a bloodstained shroud.

They all stood at the eve of destruction. Hagen tasted  the bitter truth on his tongue. The journey would be of no return. All the Burgundians would meet their cruel destiny.   

Chapter 9 The Cursed Treasure


The seasons came and went. Three long years passed. Kriemhild was still a very beautiful woman. Her outward appearance offered a perfect look in great fashion. She kept her pride and dignity but inside she suffered. Some noticed her unreal performance. They dared a closer look and were terrified by looking in her hollow eyes. Kriemhild refused to talk to Gunther and Hagen kept away. Away from that Hagen was as always concerned  about the welfare of Gunther and the kingdom. When everyone seemed turned to stone he was still in action. When the going gets tough the tough get going. He was still the same.

One day he said to king Gunther: “Isn´t it a shame! The vast treasure of the Nibelung Folk is kept useless in the hidden caves of the northern mountains. It could do a power of good to our purpose. We should move it to our place.“  Gunther replied: “ You´re turning foolish at last“. Kriemhild has to consent to. It´s her property and she won´t talk to me anymore. If you´re into miracles, go ahead.“ “Well“ said Hagen. “There is a way but you both have to reconcile“. Gunther turned away whispering: “inconceivable“! Well Hagen was cunning like a fox. He knew only Gernot and Giselher, the younger brothers would be able to get in touch with Kriemhild again.

The bonds between the siblings are always strong he thought. Actually Gernot and Giselher gave it a try and at the end of the day they were succcessful. Fortunately Kriemhild agreed to get the treasure to The city of Worms. Officially she gave it a spin to act for the common good. She confessed about the holiness of family business, at least so it seemed. The official reconcilation was a great day for the public. Everybody was happy to see the royal family back in shape. The splendour of the dynasty felt like a beacon after dark times. There were bread and games for the common folk and the usual bright banquets for the nobility.

The power and the glory was raising the classes high. But for every insider this was nothing but a shadow play.  The reconciliation was just an agreement. A false declaration without soul and some even called it a stillbirth. The political interests were obvious: Gunther was looking forward to participate in the enormous treasure. A tempting possibility to gain more power and expand the prosper of the lands. The notion was just too promising to be missed. Kriemhild was eager to prepare her revenge. Money buys everything and especially loyal friends or even mercenaries.

It didn´t take long and she authorized Gernot and Giselher to travel to Norway and organize the shipping  of the treasure from the misty north to the sunny south. The transport was a huge challenge and Alberich, the dwarf, the treasure keeper would be the supervisor to the project of giants. The dwarf would oversee everything and he welcomed the two brothers. He introduced the two of them to the hidden caves. He took the magic key and opened the gates to the inner kingdom under the earth.

When the two brothers walked through the portal they were caught by a strange feeling of meeting something that should be kept under lock and key.  Alberich with his snow white hair and long beard went ahead. His dark eyes seemed to look deep in another world invisible to human insight. About a dozen servants with blazing torches followed.A ghostly light flashed into the darkness and the two brothers felt the weird presence of evil spirits.

Veins of gold were squirming through walls of solid stone. They looked like spiral snakes finding their way through rock stratums.  On the ground scurried several. salamanders with crystal eyes. Everywhere there was the dull sound of hammering from deep inside this labyrinth. Finally they reached the secret chambers.

The royal brothers feared to lose their minds. They were blinded by some unearthly light. The treasure trove was beyond human imagination, measure and idea. On enchanting tapestries and skins of otherworldly animals there were piles of glittering and sparkling items. Shining bright colors  produced  a kaleidoscope consisting of jewelry, rings, chains, coins and gems of all kind. The guests from the south moved from chamber to chamber with a gasp. Everywhere was richness. Pots of gold, diamonds and pearls like moondrops, incredible sculptures of silver showing beasts that seemed most alive.

But away from the precious and inconceivable richness  a cold wind was blowing from a dark and hidden space. It chilled right to the bones but Gernot and Giselher were just mesmerized by all they had seen. They were beaten by the miracle of this unreal experience. Well Alberich the dwarf said to the two brothers: “All this splendor belongs to your sister Kriemhild. Take it to her and hopefully it will do no harm to her.“ His words sounded like a prophecy and the brothers felt some kind of uneasiness but they continued their business. Alberich disappeared in a secret space of dreams.

When the whole treasure was moved to the city of Worms there was a huge shift going on. Unbeknownst of most the Tribe of the Burgundian people they turned into something different. Whoever owns the treasure would get the namesake of the Nibelung Folk. Some suspected the gold was occupied by some ancient curse.Whether right or wrong saying, nobody cared!

Kriemhild was the first to use the richness for her own purpose. She gave  huge amounts to the poor and did a power of good to the commons. She was much about charity. Her generous donations produced a huge number of followers and her reputation was  building up.  Hagen was the first to observe her actions with concern and anger. Immediately he talked to Gunther. Gunther just shrugged his shoulders. He said: “t´s all your fault“. “It was your idea to move the treasure. Just see what you can do“. As always Gunther was no man of action.

Again it was up to Hagen to be the man of the hour. Powerful and smart as he was he organized the crime of the century. Another crime against culture and chivalry. Another blow against Kriemhild. When the royal family went on a visit to a befriended tribe Hagen didn´t hesitate. He gathered all his men and started to take possession of the treasure. The whole amount without missing a single coin was taken out of the royal castle.It took days to empty the treasury-vault.  All the shiny property was loaded on a ship.Hagen took the steering wheel all by himself.  He sailed down the river Rhine to a secret place.Only the moon was watching from above.

Hagen knew a secret place where the waters were deep. A place surrounded by tricky rapids. In the dead of the night he drowned the whole treasure. During his dirty work clouds were hiding the moon and some distant thunder reminded Hagen that someone or something was still watching. The waters swallowed every piece of the immeasurable treasure. And from the deep something was coming up.

A swarm of mermaids were rising.Their slender bodies were swirling and twisting and the waters like sea horses. With otherworldly eyes they watched curiously what happened. They were not fond of Hagen´s deed. They were completely unmoved by all the richness. Hagen was surprised by their indifferent manners. It occurred to him that they had some ancient knowledge.


They might know the treasure was cursed forever…   

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