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What you should know about Irish Myth

Did you ever think that within the Irish cultural tradition is an unparalleled phenomenon, a literary treasure both vast and diverse?  One that is unique within Medieval Europe?  One central part of that cultural tradition is the Irish Myths and Sagas?Read More

The Wonderful imagination of Irish Myth

Did you ever realise that within the Irish imagination are four (perhaps five) complete worlds to immerse yourself in, with their own inspiring heroes, awesome villains and compelling stories that weave together in a separate and connected way.Read More

The Mythological Cycle

The Mythological Cycle is about the set of five Invasions Lebor Gabála Érenn that were core to the formation of Ireland. It is also about the Battles of Moytura where the Tuatha De Danaan were successful in establishing a culture based on the goddess. The final invaders, the Sons of Mil, then beat them at the Battle of Tailtiu to send the Tuatha De underground where they have remained. This cycle also includes the magical Midir and Etain and a number of Voyage Stories such as Bran and Máel Dúin.

Unlike other mythologies that have their stories of how the world came into being, the Irish, quite differently are, the people who came from ‘somewhere else’.  The invasions begin with the much travelled Cesair, her partner the shaman, shape shifting Fintan, two other men and fifty women.  This is followed by the innovative Partholonians, the Nemedians and then the Fir Bolg, the bag men of Archaic Ireland and their wonderful political social idea of the ‘cuige’ the four provinces that are five which set sup the idea of the sacred centre.  These four invasions set up the chief tribe of the Cycle, the Tuatha Dé Danann, ‘the peoples of the Goddess Danu’.  Their success in the Battles of Moytura establishes Ireland as a goddess culture.  This essentially feminine foundation remained until the arrival of Amairghin and the Sons of Mil.  It was then that the Goddess peoples lost the Battle of Tailtui and they were banished underground.  Some see this as a truly tragic day in Ireland’s mythic history.

These invasion stories are complemented with exile stories: The voyages of Bran, Mael Dun and the well known Children of Lir.  The combination of invasion and exile stories establish the Irish as the people from somewhere else, who have gone somewhere else – potentially a globally relevant modern foundation myth!

Cian and Eithne
Fintan MacBochra and the Hawk of Achill
Fir Bolg
The Book of Invasions
The Book of Invasions – Part 1: Cesair
The Book of Invasions – Part 1: Cesair (Christian version)
The Book of Invasions – Part 1: Cesair (The World’s Mythologies)
The Book of Invasions – Part 2: Parthalon
The Book of Invasions – Part 3: Nemed and the Fir Bolg
The Book of Invasions – Part 4: The First Battle of Moytura
The Book of Invasions – Part 5: The Second Battle of Moytura
The Book of Invasions – Part 6: The Sons of Mil
The book of Invasions – Part 1: Cesair (Pagan Version)
The Daghda’s Harp
The Manor of Tara

Book of Invasions

Fintan MacBochra
Fir Bolg
Tuatha De Danann
Mananaan Mac Lir

Midir and Etain

Eochaid Airem
Aengus Og

Gods/Goddess of Ireland


Tatsu #11038

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